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Elevate Academy was founded to engage.inspire.ignite.

We are a 6th-12th grade Career Technical Charter School.
Why Elevate?

Career Technical Education in Nampa

Elevate Academy Nampa is a 6th-11th grade (12th coming in 2024-2025) Community Driven, Career Technical Public Charter School serving at-risk students.

Elevate Academy Nampa offers Medical Arts, Criminal Justice, Business and Marketing, Culinary, Welding, Construction, Computer Programming, and Small Engine Mechanics tracks. The expectation at Elevate Academy is for all students to earn two Industry Certificates.

The culture of Elevate Academy and the expectations in academic areas in the classroom, will be based on the Workforce Readiness Standards. In addition to industry certification, all students will be expected to graduate from Elevate Academy with their Workforce Readiness Certificate!

Students at Elevate attend four days of scheduled learning experiences. The fifth day of the week is dedicated time for CTE programs, intervention for students who are academically deficient, and enrichment for students that are on or above grade level.


Our school is founded on the belief that students from all backgrounds deserve the opportunity to engage in an educational program that is meaningful to them, and provides a sense of purpose for their future. Elevate Academy’s program gives students the opportunity to stay emerged in their academic and career development all year long.

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We believe that when students are inspired by their school and learning, they are more likely to develop good habits and mindsets, leading them toward academic achievement and success in the workforce.

Meet The Team


Elevate Academy believes the relationship between teacher and students is vital. For students to learn best, our teachers will establish and build relationships of care, trust, cooperation and respect. Students know that teachers are passionate about their success, which will help them foster resilience, and ignite their desire to reach new heights.

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See Elevate Academy For Yourself!

Our Staff Experience
Our Student Experience